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    The Yellow Handkerchief (2008)

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    The Yellow Handkerchief
    One lazy afternoon in a backwater Louisiana town, Martine takes a leap into an unfamiliar convertible. The driver, Gordy, an awkward young itinerant who eyed her in the diner earlier, isn't displeased to find this pretty sylph in his front seat. Soon they meet Brett, a laconic, humble man just released from prison. Martine isn't keen on going solo with Gordy, and now it's raining cats and dogs, so she invites Brett along, and the unlikely trio sets out, each person unsure of the destination. What ensues is a journey through the lush green byways of rural Louisiana and into the depths of these characters' souls.

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    • Udayan Prasad
    • USA
    • ~ 102 min.
    • Drama
    • 0


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    IMDb Wertung:
    7 / 10 :: 1923 Votes
    Genre: Drama Romance
    Story: Pete Hamill
    Executive Producer: Lillian Birnbaum
    Produzent: Arthur Cohn
    Co-Produzent: Beau Marks
    MPAA: PG-13
    Schauspieler: William Hurt  Maria Bello  Kristen Stewart  Eddie Redmayne  Kaori Momoi  Emmanuel Cohn  Nurith Cohn  Veronica Russell  26 weitere
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