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    The Secrets of Gravity: In the Footsteps of Albert Einstein (2016)

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    The Secrets of Gravity: In the Footsteps of Albert Einstein
    Why do things fall to the ground without magic? The young magician's apprentice LIMBRADUR is far more interested in the universe and its secrets than boring magic spells. He is fascinated by the stars, the universe and the laws of nature. So, one night he sneaks into the Albert Einstein Museum, where he meets ALBYX3, a small, clever but rather quirky robot who knows all about Albert Einstein and his theories. ALBY takes LIMBRADUR on a magical journey of discovery through time and space, during which they not only uncover the secrets of gravity but also learn much about friendship and imagination. For LIMBRADUR and ALBY both have secrets of their own.

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    • Peter Popp
    • Trickfilm
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    IMDb Wertung:
    6.9 / 10 :: 0 Votes
    Genre: Trickfilm
    Co-Produzent: Antonio Exacoustos
    Produzent: Peter Popp
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